Green Howard and Friends of the Green Howards Museum Newsletters |
The current issue of "The Green Howard"
(Select the above image for further information)
The Green Howard is a magazine that is designed to
keep former Green Howards in touch with the Regiment, as well as being the
magazine for all Friends of the Green Howards
Regimental Museum. As such, it combines elements of the former
Friends of the Green Howards Museum Newsletter and the former Green
Howards Gazette.
The Green Howard contains many articles on the history
of the Green Howards regiment. The journal is published in full
colour, and is a high quality magazine. It should be essential reading for
all those who care about the Green Howards regiment.
The Green Howard is issued twice every year, - in the Spring and
Select the image above to see what is in the latest edition of The Green
Select the link below to see the details of all published editions of The
Green Howard. Copies of The Green Howard can then be ordered
if required.
The previously published Friends of the Green Howards Museum Newsletter
provided a wealth of information on the history of the Green Howards, and
anyone wanting to know more about the Regiment is recommended to check this
source. Details of the contents of the Friends
of the Green Howards Museum Newsletters can be viewed by selecting
the link below. Copies can then be obtained as described on the appropriate
Select the link below for details of
all published editions of The Green Howard
Select the link below for details of issues of
Friends of the Green Howards Museum Newsletter
All Friends of the Green Howards Regimental Museum receive the Green Howard as part of their membership.
If you are not a Friend but would like to obtain a copy, or have missed out on earlier editions of The Green Howard, then please send a cheque or money order for £6-50p (includes postage) to the Green Howards Museum, Trinity Square, Richmond, N Yorks DL10 4QN.
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This Web site was created by Edward McKillop Nicholl