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ARPS Panel Prints

To view a larger sized version of an image, select one of the thumbnails below. This takes you to a slideshow of the images, where each image is presnted with a written commentary.
An Impotent Roar of Rage
Caustic Clouds
The Beach, the North Gare
Industrial Confluence
An Impotent Roar of Rage
Caustic Clouds
The Beach, the North Gare
Industrial Confluence
Symbols of Teesside
End of the Line
Frequently Washed Up
The Mark of the Beast
Beach Landscape
Symbols of Teesside
End of the Line
Frequently Washed Up
The Mark of the Beast
Beach Landscape
Rocks and Pools
Sunset, Steetly Magnesite
Stormy Evening, the North Gare
The Wall
Rocks and Pools
Sunset, Steetly Magnesite
Stormy Evening, the North Gare
Evening, Hartlepool Old Town
The Wall
These images are not obtainable from my on-line shop, but if you ARE interested in obtaining one (or more!) of these images, then please contact me.

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(As the panel had been entered in the "Applied" category, the Introduction was an essential part of the overall presentation.)

Teesside is not a beautiful place. It is a place where people live, work, rest, and play under the shadow of heavy industry.

It is this very heavy industry which damages the landscape and the environment, and yet the whole area depends on industry for its wealth and continued existence. In order to survive and prosper, the local population has had to come to terms with an environment that is otherwise grim and forbidding. One is never far from being reminded that Teesside is based on industry.

Because industry changes, the Teesside landscape changes. The industrial horizon alters as new plant is put up, and, increasingly nowadays, as old plant is pulled down. Thus, the landscape is dynamic, changing as time goes by. The recording of this change is inevitable when recording the landscape.

However, even with this unpromising background, the landscape can provide moments of great beauty and dramatic impact. It would be a very unsympathetic photographer who could live in Teesside, and not appreciate this.

Some of my most exciting visual moments have come when walking along one of the local beaches, - which is dirty even if only for the sea coal which is continually washed up on the shore. But having a camera makes you look beyond the apparent sordidness, to see instead fascinating combinations of light and form.

So the landscapes presented here are all products of the industrialised Teesside environment, - initially unpromising, but fascinating if you are prepared to look beyond the immediate facade presented, and to utilise light and form in the image.

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